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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Inland Eye Care a proud provider of vision care products and services in Moscow.

Dr. Enjoli Cooke

Dr. Enjoli Cooke was born in Washington, DC and grew up in Southern Maryland. She graduated from St. John’s College in 2004 with a B.A. in Liberal Arts. This course of study led her to become interested in ocular scientific research and she spent two years completing a post-baccalaureate research fellowship at the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health. After matriculating into a Ph.D. program in cell and developmental research, she came to the realization that she would achieve a greater sense of accomplishment by working more closely with the public. She decided to pursue optometry because she felt that it would be an appropriate way of merging her background in ocular research with her interest in helping the public more directly. She attended Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University in Philadelphia, PA and graduated in 2013 with honors not only in Primary Care, but also Low Vision. She maintains her special interest in Low Vision Rehabilitation.

Dr. Cooke’s adventurous spirit eventually landed her in the Pacific Northwest and she has been practicing in the Inland Washington/Idaho region since 2013. After being a part of several practices between Pullman, Lewiston, and Spokane, she decided to form her own practice in Moscow where she is offering comprehensive eye care, surgical co-management, full contact lens services, and provides low vision services.

She is currently an active member of the America Optometric Association (AOA)/Idaho Optometric Physicians (IOP) and has served as the North B Regional Director for the IOP.

In her free time, she enjoys crafting gourmet homemade meals, playing video games, intensely exercising, wine tasting, and tending to her herb garden.

Justine A. Dipolog, RMT

Justine Anne Dipolog, a native from the Philippines, is a seasoned professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology from Notre Dame of Marbel University. With four years of expertise as a medical lab scientist, specializing in general laboratory practices and additional training in Biosafety and Biosecurity, she has transitioned seamlessly to the role of a healthcare virtual assistant at Hello Rache. Her current focus involves meticulous work in verifying insurances, managing billing and accounting, adept data entry, staff training, inventory management, and any other tasks to facilitate smooth clinic operations.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Justine enjoys indulging in a diverse range of interests, including listening to music, staying active through exercise, exploring hiking trails, and embarking on adventurous pursuits during her leisure time